DepositBox ========== For interacting with the depositbox. PS: You are expected to find and open the depositbox yourself. ------------ .. code-block:: pascal var DepositBox: TRSDepositBox; .. code-block:: pascal EDepositButton = (dbDepositInv, dbDepositWarnItems, dbDepositLoot, dbClose); .. code-block:: pascal const DEPOSIT_ALL = -1; ------------ DepositBox.__Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSDepositBox.__Setup(); Every interface needs some internal setup procedure.. ------------ DepositBox.__Prepare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.__Prepare(): Boolean; Internal method that's used to generate the boundaries of the depositbox - automatically. ------------ DepositBox.Debug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.Debug(RetImage: Boolean = False): TMufasaBitmap; override; Debugs the bounds of the depositbox, mainly used when maintenance is needed. ------------ DepositBox.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.IsOpen(): Boolean; Checks if the depositbox is open. Internally also used to prepare the boundaries of the depositbox ------------ DepositBox.ClickButton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.ClickButton(Button: EDepositButton): Boolean; Clicks the button. Available buttons are ``(dbDepositInv, dbDepositWarnItems, dbDepositLoot, dbClose)``. ------------ DepositBox.DepositItem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.DepositItem(Slot, Amount:Int32; UpText:TStringArray=[]): Boolean; Attempts to deposit the item in the given slot. Amount can be any value, while ``-1`` or ``DEPOSIT_ALL`` will cause it to deposit all of those items in that slot. ------------ DepositBox.DepositInventory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.DepositInventory(CloseAfter: Boolean = True): Boolean; Deposits your whole inventory, waits for all the items to disappear, and alteratively closes the interface. It returns ``True`` if all items was cleared from your inventory. ------------ DepositBox.Close ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSDepositBox.Close(): Boolean; Closes the interface. ------------