Logout ======= The file holds functions and procedures that are in the logout-tab. ------------ type TRSLogoutWS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type that holds the methods for the in-game worldswitcher located on the logout tab ------------ type TRSLogout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type that holds functions and properties of the Runescape logout-tab. ------------ var Logout ~~~~~~~~~~ Variable that stores functions and properties of the Runescape logout interface. ------------ Logout.Open ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogout.Open(): Boolean; Opens the interface ------------ Logout.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogout.IsOpen(Tab:ELogoutSubtab=lsTabNone; maxWait:Int32=0): Boolean; Checks if the interface is already open. Can also be used to check if a specific "subtab" is open. ------------ Logout.ClickLogout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogout.ClickLogout(attemts:Int32=3; tryTime:Int32=20000): Boolean; Clicks the logout button, by default retires 3 times over 20 seconds. ------------ Logout.SwitchToWorld ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogout.SwitchToWorld(World: Integer): Boolean; Jumps to the given world. ------------ Logout.WorldSwitcher.isOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogoutWS.isOpen(WaitTime: Integer = 0): Boolean; Returns if the in-game worldswitcher is open ------------ Logout.WorldSwitcher.Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogoutWS.Open: Boolean; Opens the in-game worldswitcher ------------ Logout.WorldSwitcher.Close ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogoutWS.Close: Boolean; Closes the worldswitcher (returns back to the logout button) ------------ Logout.WorldSwitcher.VisibleWorlds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogoutWS.VisibleWorlds(out Worlds: TIntegerArray; out Boxes: TBoxArray): Boolean; Returns the VisibleWorlds and their bounds ------------ Logout.WorldSwitcher.CurrentWorld ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogoutWS.CurrentWorld: Integer; Returns the world we are currently in ------------ Logout.WorldSwitcher.SwitchTo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSLogoutWS.SwitchTo(World: Integer): Boolean; Hops to the given world ------------