BankScreen ========== ------------ Minimap.GetMiddle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetMiddle: TPoint; Returns the center of the minimap ------------ Minimap.GetPrayerLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetPrayerLevel(): Int32; Returns your current prayer level ------------ Minimap.GetHPLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetHPLevel: Int32; Returns your current HP level ------------ Minimap.GetHPPercent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetHPPercent(): Int32; Returns your current HP level as a percentage `0..100` ------------ Minimap.GetSpecialAttack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetSpecialAttack(): Int32; Returns your special attack. ------------ Minimap.IsPoisoned ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.IsPoisoned: Boolean; Returns true if you're poisoned by checking the minimap orb. ------------ Minimap.CurePoison ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSMinimap.CurePoison; Clicks the hitpoints orb if currently poisoned. ------------ Minimap.GetRunEnergy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetRunEnergy(): Integer; Returns your current energy level ------------ Minimap.isPrayerEnabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.isPrayerEnabled(const Time: UInt32 = 0): Boolean; Returns `True` if you have enabled it otherwise `False`. ------------ Minimap.isRunEnabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.isRunEnabled(WaitTime: Int32 = 0): Boolean; Returns `True` if you have enabled it otherwise `False`. ------------ Minimap.TogglePrayer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.TogglePrayer(const Enable: Boolean): Boolean; A toggle to enable or disable prayer. ------------ Minimap.ToggleRun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.ToggleRun(const Enable: Boolean): Boolean; A toggle to enable or disable running. ------------ Minimap.isPlayerMoving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.isPlayerMoving(MinShift: Integer = 300): Boolean; Returns `True` if your character is moving. ------------ Minimap.FindFlag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.FindFlag(BMP: Int32; out P: TPoint): Boolean; overload; Searches for the flag on a bitmap. ------------ Minimap.isFlagPresent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.isFlagPresent(const WaitTime: UInt32 = 0): Boolean; Returns True if the flag can be found on the minimap.. otherwise False. ------------ Minimap.WaitFlag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSMinimap.WaitFlag(const Dist: UInt32 = 0; ExitIfNotMoving: Boolean = True); Waits while the flag distance is greater than `dist`. Timeout is ~20 seconds which is reset when flag distance has changed. ------------ Minimap.WaitPlayerMoving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSMinimap.WaitPlayerMoving(UseFlag: Boolean = True; TimeOut: Integer = 30000; MinShift: Integer = 300); Waits till your character is no longer moving. ------------ Minimap.WaitFlagEx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.WaitFlagEx(MaxDist: Byte = 5): Boolean; Extra WaitFlag method that Waits for the flag to disapear but will return if the position we walked to is where the flag was first clicked. - Useful to know if you were able to walk into a room or not (blocked entrance, etc). - MaxDist param is default, but is the max distance the flag can move else we result False. Example: .. code-block:: pascal if (Minimap.WaitFlagEx()) then srl.Writeln('We have walked to the position succesfully') else srl.Writeln('We have finished walking, but the flag moved alot so we didnt hit our target pos'); ------------ Minimap.GetCompassAngle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.GetCompassAngle(AsDegrees:Boolean=True): Extended; Returns the current compass angle, default as degrees. ------------ Minimap.MouseSetCompassAngle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSMinimap.MouseSetCompassAngle(Angle, Tolerance: Extended): Boolean; Some long code that does stuff. ------------