RSInterfaceBase ================ Specializes the generic TInterfaceBase towards Oldschool runescape. Used to find interfaces on the go, versus the static coordinates based ones. ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.AppendTitle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSInterfaceBase.AppendTitle(Title: String); Adds another alternative title to search for in the interface. ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.CaseInsensitive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSInterfaceBase.CaseInsensitive(CS: Boolean); Sets if the Title search should be case sensitive or not. ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.__Find ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInterfaceBase.__Find(): Boolean; Used to locate the bounds of the interface, and finally verifies it by checking if the title matches. Note: This method should not be called in scripts as it may be subject to change. ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.IsUpText ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInterfaceBase.IsUpText(SubStrs: TStringArray; WaitTime: UInt32 = 350): Boolean; function TRSInterfaceBase.IsUpText(Text: String; WaitTime: UInt32 = 350): Boolean; overload; Speical methods for checking uptext when the interface is open. Regular Mainscreen.IsUptext may collide with title of the interface, so we do some extra filtering here. This applies to any interface that inherits from TRSInterfaceBase ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.GetUpText ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInterfaceBase.GetUpText(): String; Speical methods for checking uptext when the interface is open. Regular Mainscreen.GetUpText may collide with title of the interface, so we do some extra filtering here. This applies to any interface that inherits from TRSInterfaceBase ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.GetUpText ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInterfaceBase.Debug(RetImage: Boolean = False): TMufasaBitmap; Debugs the bounds of the interface, mainly used when maintenance is needed. This applies to any interface that inherits from TRSInterfaceBase ------------ TRSInterfaceBase.Close ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInterfaceBase.Close(): Boolean; Closes the interface, returns ``True`` on success ------------